Winston Nguyen
Winston NguyenFounder/CEO
Winston Nguyen is the protagonist and founder of VR Heaven. Having more than a decade of marketing experience, he is on a mission to bring VR to the mainstream eyes. He was a guest writer for VentureBeat and Engadget, and his work has been referenced in TheTelegraph, YahooNews, TechTimes and dozens of other places.
Aaron Santiago
Aaron SantiagoCo-Founder
Aaron Santiago is a game developer and former software engineer at Google Daydream NYC. Aaron now works in XR and the immersive industry, and spends his free time working with artistic mediums, tech or otherwise.
Henry Lake
Henry LakeEditor
Henry Lake is the main villain at VR Heaven. He might look friendly, but don’t let his looks deceive you. He is an evil mastermind who wants to use VR for evil. His ultimate plan is to disrupt the world by creating the scariest horror games possible. Henry is a highly skilled software engineer, formerly working at Microsoft, and holds a PhD in Computer Science.
Jeff Nabors
Jeff NaborsContent Producer
Jeff is a technologist enthusiast who loves to create content, whether that be in the form of blog posts, podcasts or streams on Twitch.
Nakashiyon (なかしよん)
Nakashiyon (なかしよん)Artist
Nakashiyon is on a mission to demonstrate the beauty of art to the world.


VR Heaven is publication that covers topics related VR technology, industry insights, fitness, storytelling, gaming, and real world applications of VR. It is primarily run by a bunch of anime characters.  

VR is something that is going to explode in popularity over the next 3-5 years. The applications of VR technology are endless and just to provide you with a glimpse of the future:


  • Home training videos in VR (e.g. learning a musical instrument, cooking tutorials, education)
  • VR cinema straight from your bed
  • Gaming
  • VR therapy for depression, dementia, anxiety disorders and nearly every psychological disorder. In the future, there will be VR booths where you can see a psychologist for much cheaper.
  • VR for physical rehab
  • VR tours
  • VR simulations for job training e.g. training pilots
  • VR for exercise
  • VR for work-from-home jobs
  • VR social network


And that’s just a small fraction of what’s possible. VR is going to be a huge industry. It will be something incorporated into our daily life (imagine walking on the streets with VR ads everywhere lol).


Realizing that VR will soon be the future, we created VR Heaven to educate beginners on how they can get started on VR.


If you’d like personal assistance on VR, feel free to send me an email at:


Otherwise, check out these beginner-friendly articles:

How to Build a Computer for VR for Under $550

Best VR Headsets For Watching Movies

Oculus Quest Comfort Mods